Shiran Dudy


Welcome! I recently joined Northeastern University, where I focus on technical aspects like NLP and speech processing, as well as social-technical questions to promote Responsible AI (RAI) practices. I’m a part of the RAI team at the Institute for Experiential AI (EAI). I specialize in addressing Long-Tail problems. From a technical standpoint, my work involves understanding gaps arising from low-frequency data events and devising strategies to mitigate them (the gaps, of course ;-)). On the socio-technical side, I concentrate on amplifying voices and involving stakeholders we don’t hear enough from. Through this effort, I aim to contribute to the creation of more equitable and just outcomes when designing new systems.

Email: shirdu2 at gmail dot com


Jan 15, 2024 This is my new website :sparkles: :smile:
Jan 8, 2024 We have a second CfP for the NLP Perspectivist workshop which is due on Feb. 23
Jan 2, 2024 I have just finished reading Algorithms of Oppression by Dr. Safia Noble! A must!
Jun 1, 2023 I have started working at Northeastern’s Experiential AI institute

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selected publications

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    Refocusing on Relevance: Personalization in NLG
    Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick, and Bonnie Webber
    In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2021
  2. collaborate.png
    Expansive Participatory AI: Supporting Dreaming within Inequitable Institutions
    Michael Alan Chang, and Shiran Dudy
    Human-Centered AI workshop, 2022