Shiran Dudy


Welcome! I recently joined Northeastern University, where I focus on technical aspects like NLP and speech processing, as well as social-technical questions to promote Responsible AI (RAI) practices. I’m a part of the RAI team at the Institute for Experiential AI (EAI). I specialize in addressing Long-Tail problems. From a technical standpoint, my work involves understanding gaps arising from low-frequency data events and devising strategies to mitigate them (the gaps, of course ;-)). On the socio-technical side, I concentrate on amplifying voices and involving stakeholders we don’t hear enough from. Through this effort, I aim to contribute to the creation of more equitable and just outcomes when designing new systems.

Email: shirdu2 at gmail dot com


Jul 1, 2024 Our paper “Are Generative Language Models Multicultural? A Study on Hausa Culture and Emotions using ChatGPT” got accepted to Cross Cultural Considerations in NLP workshop (C3NLP 2024)
Jun 10, 2024 Our paper on “Analyzing Cultural Representations of Emotions in LLMs through Mixed Emotion Survey” got accepted to Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2024)
May 21, 2024 We had a third successful round of the NLP Perspectivist workshop
May 1, 2023 Our work on “Speaker Diarization in the Classroom: How Much Does Each Student Speak in Group Discussions?” will be presented at the Educational Data Mining (EDM 2024)

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selected publications

  1. tailor.png
    Refocusing on Relevance: Personalization in NLG
    Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick, and Bonnie Webber
    In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2021
  2. collaborate.png
    Expansive Participatory AI: Supporting Dreaming within Inequitable Institutions
    Michael Alan Chang, and Shiran Dudy
    Human-Centered AI workshop, 2022